Just a quick snippet to remember it someday 🙂 ! It gets the bytes of a screenshot from a sharing operation and display it in an image control named “image”. [csharp]var bitmapStream = args.ShareOperation.Data.GetBitmap(); if…
Tagged By tips
Windows 8 tips: fast access to an app.
Today I was talking with my friend Etienne Margraff – also know as Emmanuel – (blog and twitter)and I told him how boring and time-consuming it was to press Win+F to access the search screen…
WPF’s DataGridCheckBoxColumn ElementStyle uses a wrong default value
Today I found out a strange behavior in the DataGridCheckBoxColumn: it was not using the default template I set in the resources for the CheckBoxes and uses the default WPF’s one instead. This happens always…
Convert in code as in XAML: how to get the XAML processor’s converter ?
Sometimes you need to set property on controls from the code and then you realize that this is not like in XAML: these are not strings? No, they are not! This is because the XAML…
Update the WPF UI now: how to wait for the rendering to finish ?
WPF is really awesome to build reactive applications and data binding is here to push useful information inside of the User Interface. All is done magically and it’s wonderfully simple to create an application without…
Do you want a faster File.Exists / FileInfo.Exists / Directory.Exists ? I do !
Sometimes you need to check the existence of a file. Nothing is easier with the .Net framework which provide a property named Exists on FileInfo class. But it can be quite long, especially when the…