😮 I am really writing a blog post on C++ ? Yest it seems so :). At this year MVP Summit I discovered how much fun I can have with C++ (and especially C++/Cx in…
WordPress database error: [INSERT, UPDATE command denied to user '51213-2'@'' for table 'wp_options']INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES ('_transient_doing_cron', '1728613930.5937900543212890625000', 'yes') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `option_name` = VALUES(`option_name`), `option_value` = VALUES(`option_value`), `autoload` = VALUES(`autoload`)
😮 I am really writing a blog post on C++ ? Yest it seems so :). At this year MVP Summit I discovered how much fun I can have with C++ (and especially C++/Cx in…